Thursday, April 28, 2011


real life Californian snail.
When it rains in Maryland earthworms come out of the ground.  When it is even slightly moist in California a plague of snails comes out.  I kind of hate snails.  They. are. everywhere.  They cluster on the light poles. They live on the wall of my house.  They've made a home of my planter. When you step on them, and trust me, you'll step on them, you have killed them.  Not immediately.  You've just destroyed their home.  Then the other snails make their painfully slow way toward their dying comrade to cannibalize him.

Ugh.  I hate snails.

1 comment:

Kelly N. said...

From our many talks about snails (yes, MANY snail conversations) I really think you mean you love snails and hate the guilt that overtakes you when you brutally yet accidently murder them.