Tuesday, April 6, 2010


Weight Watchers works! I have successfully lost 3 lbs in two weeks! I am hoping to lose a pound a week at least so I can reach my goal weight by the time my subscription to weightwatchers.com is over.

I thought I was going to starve, but so far so good. I've been eating a lot of fruit and home popped popcorn. I have not been "workin' on my fitness" so much, but that will come in time. I only work out about twice a week which is half of what I should be doing.

Three Pounds! Woo Hoo!

Love, a slightly trimmer Kaley


Love or Nothing said...

yay! congrats girl!

Momsie said...

You go Kaley girl! You're doing a lot better than me - I actually gained .6 ozs when I was weighed in tonight. You keep losing and it will help motivate me.

tp said...

I'm so proud!
I am thinking about allowing myself to gain a bunch of weight by continually eating easter candy. This way, when I go to lose weight the results will be more drastic. Thoughts?