Sunday, March 21, 2010

Wine Country

This weekend Nick and I decided to do something very unlike ourselves, something interesting! We went to wine country in Temecula. It's an hour outside of San Diego.

We took a tour of the Calloway Winery. I learned the difference between french oak wine barrels and american oak wine barrels. One is more expensive.

We then did a tasting during which I became intoxicated. My bad! Six mini glasses of vino is a lot for me, I can not lie to you.

We then had lunch at a resort where party buses dropped off all kinds of folks. (Girls in skimpy dresses and grandma's in sparkly wine t-shirts.)

We bought a 30 dollar bottle of wine. And that was our trip to wine country. You're welcome.


Young Professional said...

i love wine! haha. i've done a few tours so I def know what you mean with the little samples..haha

Amanda said...

ok, i just have to comment...since when did your boobs get so huge!?!? They look ignormous!
(you can delete this comment if your dad reads your blog or something)