Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Under Weigh

Welcome to my Navy Jargon tutorial! I only have one clarification to make today. I am not going to be explaining CICWO or SWO pins or anything like that. There is a difference between going under weigh and going on a deployment. If Nick is under weigh then he is floating around on his ship somewhere remotely close to the USA. He will be just far enough out to sea not to get cell phone reception. That's what under weigh is. Deployment is heading on over to the Persian gulf or heading down to South America to fight drug lords. It could even mean fighting pirates in Africa. Deployments are long, 6-9 months. Going under weigh could be a few days or a few months.

And now you know.

Here are a few ways you can tell if your husband is under weigh:

  • You have recently eaten your body weight in popcorn.
  • You purchase ice cream by the pint.
  • You nostalgically sift through photos of him late at night.
  • Talking to the dog like she's your best friend.
  • Watching Disney Channel marathons of Sonny with a Chance.
  • Increased interest in not leaving the house.
  • Actually sitting down to read an article about celebrity toddler's birthday parties.
In retrospect, these may only be applicable to my life.

Love, Kaley


tp said...

i love you. that is all.

Dizzle Dee said...

Hang in there Kaley. The J O B starts soon and before you know it, Tara & Ben will be out to visit. Love you. Mom