Saturday, December 19, 2009

Good Golly Miss Molly

Molly Weasley came from a labrador rescue. She was tagged as a chocolate lab mix. Our friend Nikki who worked at a veterinarian's office told us she thought Molly had some pointer in her. After looking up pictures of pointers and reading about their demeanor (shy, couch potatoes) we decided Molly has a major amount of German short haired pointer in her. See for yourself:

This is Molly:
This is a German short haired pointer. Not that anyone actually cares about this post.

In other news, I was watching House Hunters and decided to look up the town they were house hunting in. I found an article entitled "Three arrested in Manatee Burglary". Of course this piqued my interest. How could a person steal a manatee? Why would a person steal a manatee?! After much rereading I figured out the article was referring to Manatee County... not an actual manatee burglary. My bad!

Love, Kaley (and Molly who might be part pointer)

PS Nick is making hamburger subs tonight! Woot woot!


Filia Dei said...

I spent 5 hours shoveling snow today.

I care that Molly may be part German short haired pointer. The guy who owned our Shady Side house before us had those. That's where all the gross hair under the fridge came from.

tp said...

umm listen, I know you told me about this-- but you weren't kidding! maybe that is why she jumps off balconies too. it's a pointer thing. I made that up.

have i told you lately that i love you?

Mom said...

Sure Marty - blame the German short haired pointer for the gross hair under the fridge.