Monday, October 5, 2009

Done aaaand Done!

Half of my first Navy move is completed! I should have brought my camera and documented how many boxes of stuff I had. Actually, let me share with you the exact number since the moving company inventoried all of the boxes. Ready? 61. 61 boxes you say? In my defense the lady did put like one lampshade in a couple of boxes. Does that make it any better? Well, I'm sending Tara and advance apology note for helping me unpack 61 boxes in a 925 sq ft apartment! That's why I got the garage right?

My mind has been on my move what with four weeks left in MD. I went to ULTA beauty and bought the best little travel tote! It's got everything I need. I feel so excited about this little tote that I would vouch for it on an infomercial. (Let me not be too hasty, if the body wash gives me boils- I will not vouch for it)

Epic right?

Love, Kaley

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