Saturday, October 3, 2009


California is just a little bit different. For instance, it is against the law to talk on your cell phone while driving. So I had to go buy a bluetooth. I went for the pink one. I think I know how to use it.

People are more fashionable in California too. I mean there is a place there called "Fashion Valley". So I had to adapt. I had to buy skinny jeans. They are part of my "California Uniform".

California is also different in this way- Tara isn't there. LP isn't there. Mom and Dad aren't there. My family isn't there. My camp friends aren't there. My job isn't there. However, I will cope because Nick will be there and so will my Pottery Barn couch.


Devin Maureen said...

Good luck with the move... change can be so difficult. I enjoyed reading through your blog and am amazed you have to go so long without seeing your husband. I can't imagine how hard that is some days. God bless on your new journey!

L said...

I wish I could disapparate out to see you every day when you move...

Filia Dei said...

I wish I could diapparate to see you too!

Are you taking Kitty?

I hope the afghan I made you doesn't get stolen. (I'm joking)

kaley said...

Megan is taking Kitty. I wouldn't want Granny to become too passive aggressive towards me this late in her life.