Saturday, July 14, 2012


I've been having a tough week.  Since I try my darndest not to emote, I sometimes rely on music to help my heart.  Here are some cathartic songs that I've been listening to.

Sara Watkins song "Take Up Your Spade"  from her new album "Sun Midnight Sun."  So good.  This would be a great song to sing to Owen in the morning if I was ever awake enough at quarter of six to sing a song to Owen...

This one by Ben Rector.  I had downloaded it and forgotten about it.  When I went to see "October Baby" a few months ago I heard it again.

1 comment:

Love or Nothing said...

both are great :) thanks for posting about sara! i didn't even know she had a new album out! and ben is amazing-- when a heart breaks is my favorite song. hope you and owen are doing okay while nick is gone :(