Friday, June 15, 2012


A snake in the toilet.  Every time I go to the bathroom at night, in the dark, I'm convinced this is the time that there will be a snake in there.  Animal Planet said it's happened before.  If it was going to happen anywhere it would happen here.  Mississippi.  Swamp.  Snake in the toilet.

I also check my bath towels before I dry off.  Who knows what might be in there?  Yesterday a freakish  orange and black spider ant hybrid wood nymph thing came in the house and tried to bite Twinky.  There could be a roach in my towel!  I jumped today at a bleach stain on the towel.  I just feel lucky to have been spared the horror of accidentally rubbing a bug all over myself.  So. Scary.

Twinky.  On my way back from a friends house, sort of late at night, I thought I saw Twinky in the driveway.  So I did what any sane person would do.  I jumped out of the still running car, leaving it in the middle of the road, to yell "Twinky!!!" in a very high pitched voice.  The cat ran.  I pulled the car into the driveway and ran inside asking Nick to find the cat.  Then I ran right back out and started yelling.  Turns out Twinky was under the futon.  That other cat?  Probably one of hers.

There you have it.  My concerns.

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