Owen and I saw a dead snake in the road. That was scary. Snakes? Not cool.
Then while walking by the crazy cat lady's house (she's married too! can you imagine?) we saw a cat skull. I took it's picture for you. Luckily I did not get caught by crazy cat lady's husband, who pulled up just seconds after I put my phone away!
Now, I'm not 100% sure that this is a cat skull, but I would like to hold on to the delightful illusion that this woman will soon be on Animal Hoarders where they will find out she has been keeping dozens of cats and a few accidental possums in her house and attic and basement and yard. My fascination with animal hoarding is a little sick. Really I just like it when old ladies hoard cats.
Then there is this weed. I saw this weed developing in it's infancy. Now it's a full grown bush with a flower on top. My intuition tells me it's some sort of thistle bush. (I just cheerfully googled it and yes, it is a thistle bush) So, thistle is growing in my back yard. Maybe I'll just let it go and harvest the seeds to feed the finches.
Turtles. So many turtles. At the giant duck pond I counted eight little turtle heads poking their heads up for water at the same time. I can only imagine how many turtles are actually in there. That kind of gives me the creeps, but turtles are friendly enough. I snapped this turtle in a culvert on the side of the road. I'm telling you, going on our daily walks is constantly enlightening.
Then there is the biblical lawn art. Man, I love living in the bible belt sometimes. Can you see? It's the Ten Commandments. Lawn art! Genius! (I took this on the move as I was frightened of being caught, on account of my earlier incident the day before with cat lady man)
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see, left of the window. above the lawn roosters. |
Oh, and Twinky goes outside. About once a day I let her out on the porch while I throw a ball to Molly. She's been getting a little too gutsy and is well on her way to earning a kitty harness.
I don't think that's a cat skull. Looks like a bunny, maybe.
Maybe it is a cat.
maybe a cat ate the bunny.
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