Sunday, July 17, 2011


i am going to make this pillow i saw on  one day.....
One day I'm not going to suck at crafts.  It's pretty much general knowledge that I suck at them.  I try not to, but I do.  Nick suggests that I take up crocheting, but I think I have crochet needle dyslexia.  I'm not sure it will work out for me.

Right now I have my sights set on a sewing machine.  The sewing machine will be my tool of ultimate destruction (of crappy crafts!)  Just as Batman uses gadgets as his super power I shall use the sewing machine for mine.  Call me the Bruce Wayne of sewing.

Now.  I just have to get a sewing machine.  And learn to sew.  Who will be my Alfred?


cottage girl said...

I...♥..that...pillow. And crocheting is pretty easy. Youtube it. My mom taught me how when I was young, so it can't be that hard. I like knitting better though. You can learn that from watching youtube videos too. It took me lots of mistakes, but I taught myself a few years ago. Books from the library help too. you know, is a silly addiction of mine. I go through phases of trying different things. I figure one day I'll find something I'm actually good at. One day...

Angel said...

Umm, yes you should try crocheting!! If you were still here I would teach you. I would teach you to sew too. You should have stayed in San Diego, you'd be so much more crafty. ;)