Thursday, February 3, 2011

another navy post.

Dewey commanded this ship... I think.
What's so good about being a Navy wife anyway?  Someone asked me last night if I enjoyed the military life.  I said yes without hesitation.  I'm proud that Nick chose to serve his country.  I'm proud of myself that I can be married to him and be supportive.  I love to see him in a uniform.  I have a big American flag in my living room.  I know I'm not trying to get him to get out of the Navy when his obligation is over like some wives.  He can stay in for 20+ and be a Captain for all I care.

Sure, I'm lonely.  I'm married, or wait, am I?  Am I single?  I have had my travel plans sabotaged by the Navy repeatedly.  So, sure I hate the Navy... but then again... I love it.

1 comment:

Gina said...

where did you get those boots?
Oh and that is awesome that you love being a military wife. ;)