Wednesday, March 31, 2010

"baddest dog in the whole dang town"

I feel worried. I feel worried about the inner rage that wells up when Molly Weasley disobeys me and makes bad decisions. Most of the time Molly is a laid back dog who just likes to play with her tennis balls.

Here is a list of things Molly Weasley does to SPITE me:

  • Pees on the carpet
  • Pees on her bed
  • Pees right after I've taken her outside
  • Refuses to pee outside
  • Eats Cadbury eggs out of Nick's Easter basket
  • Hides bagels in my closet
  • Runs into me

Let me be honest. I don't want advice. I shouldn't have left Molly alone with a Cadbury egg. The thing is, with Nick gone, she is letting loose her inner bad. That inner bad has tapped an inner rage inside of me that I didn't know I had. Sure, she's a rescue, but can she just get her act together?

Am I allowed to have children if my furry child makes me angry? You can't slap your baby on it's muzzle. Babies don't even have muzzles! People with babies are in a better place than I am.
Maybe I just should have gotten a cat.

Love, Kaley



Filia Dei said...

Babies wear diapers. And then they grow up into raging lunatics who will need years of therapy because you've ruined them. Oh, sorry, that's my issue.

The furry babies are practice for the future non-furry ones.

Young Professional said...

lol anthony wants a dog...maybe he can read this and I can get him to not want one for a while

and no you shouldn't have gotten a cat..ew
