Saturday, January 2, 2010

Cat. I want one.

I need advice. After watching Cats 101 I began to have major thoughts of adopting a cat. I love cats. Dogs, well, they aren't cats. I can now tolerate Molly's presence, but I envision a life spent with a cat and I swoon with joy! I want a tabby from the SPCA and I want to name her Professor Minerva McGonagall. I want her to be gregarious and brave. I want a cat!

Sure there are lots of reasons not to get a cat. Where am I going to put her litter box? Will she be able to cope with our military moves? I don't have a job, so I'd have to wait to get one of those before getting my pussycat. Ugh! I want a cat!

Love, Kaley


Filia Dei said...

Cats are not all they're cracked up to be. Be grateful you have a cold nose and a waggly tail to greet you. Someone who will ALWAYS want you to pet her and who will hang on your every word. I see it in the pictures. Molly loves you.

L said...

I will totally support your purchase of a cat, and help fabricate whatever story you need to convince Nick.

Filia Dei said...

That's a really pretty cat in that picture btw.

Mom said...

You have a cat, his name is Bo Kitty. I'm just keeping him for you while you're away. Just kidding...tee hee.

cottage girl said...

A cat? Really?! Are you ASKING for world war 3 in your living room?!