Wednesday, December 2, 2009

They say it's your birthday!

So for my first b day away from home, besides college, we decided to go downtown to Little Italy. I know, how cosmopolitan is that?! I threw caution to the wind and did something I never do. I curled my hair AND wore heels. I mean, I'm in a new city. New city, new look! The food was the bomb. The waiter even put a candle in my tiramisu. Nick brought home MORE flowers! Oh, and even though he got me a bomb purse he may have been able to secure tickets to the Watkins Family Christmas Hour in L.A.!!!!! Ahhhhh! Sean, Sarah, and christmas music! I hope this works out and we do get the tickets.

All in all it was a good day. However, you may note that I still am as pale as a vampire, or maybe one of those people who were locked in dungeons and got leprosy. I will remain pale despite the sunshine.


tp said...

i'm sorry, did you say Sean Sarah AND Christmas!

Amanda said...

Nick is the BEST!! What kind of purse did you get?

kaley said...

A purple/pink fossil leather one! I heart it :)