Wednesday, October 7, 2009

I. Have. Arrived!

Today I was hit on by a man.

It's true. Not a teenage boy. Not a Grandpa. A real live man.

Let me recount to you the conversation.

Man- "How are you today"
Me- " Good thank you" as I continue walking.
Man- "Are you in the military?" (I was on the base)
Me- " No, but my husband is"
Man- "That was my next question"

Okay, so you might be thinking I should feel repulsed, sleazed out, a little bashful about this.
I don't. I feel like- ecstatic! I mean, for a man to hit on me, a young man in his twenties, I MUST look AT LEAST 18.

Moving on up. Kaley's official new average age: 18

Woop woop


Filia Dei said...

You won't feel sleazed out or repulsed until after you have your first baby. Until then you feel like "WOW, maybe I am desireable!" Or, that's how I felt, if i even clued in that I was being hit on.

L said...

haaaahahaha I LOVE it! Welcome to adulthood, Kaley :)