Monday, August 24, 2009

Love, Love, Love

Well, the sermon at church this week got me a-thinking.

I've spent many blog posts letting people in on the fact that my heart probably could be described with this verse from the Grinch song:

You're a foul one, Mr. Grinch.
You're a nasty, wasty skunk.
Your heart is full of unwashed socks
Your soul is full of gunk.
Mr. Grinch.

You could just white out the "Grinch" and insert "Kaley" and voila! A completely accurate description of myself. Most of my gunk consists of selfishness and a skewed Western view of justice and entitlement. The Pastor talked of putting others first (a novel idea!):

Be devoted to one another in brotherly love. Honor one another above yourselves.
Romans 12:10

I hear that and I think... oh yeah sure that's easy enough. But when I really get to thinking about it, my heart goes "Uh, that theory sucks!" I remember myself getting so angry at our PTA last year for cheating me out of 30 some dollars. So I wrote them a firm letter telling them how they were wrong and bogus. Is that really love? I think not. Love would have involved forgiveness. Where is the justice in that? Everyone else got 30 more dollars than me. But one thing my mom pointed out to me really got me thinking. God's love for us isn't just. I did nothing to deserve the forgiveness and love and mercy that He pours on me everyday. I mean NOTHING. Every time I think "That doesn't seem fair" I need to think of the sacrifice that was made for me.

Sure, there are lots of things that I love. I love my iMac. I love Ann Taylor Loft. I really love Harry Potter, but do I love the ones closest to me? Do I love strangers and acquaintances and colleagues with the love Christ showed me?

"'Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind'; and 'Love your neighbor as yourself.'"
Luke 10:27

It seems doable, but somehow I always end up doing something "Grinchy". Which is when I remember, thank goodness the love of the Lord is unjust. I'm glad I don't get what I deserve.

Love, Kaley


cottage girl said...

1. see...i read your blog.
2. are you going to Bay Area?

Nick and Kaley said...

Ha ha! Mom and I decided to go to the early service sunday. We might start going. :)