Monday, July 6, 2009

A Fear Resubmerged

I always said I love Maryland because it is a safe land.  Rarely will we encounter any natural disasters.  Minor Hurricanes, the occasional tornado (none in Annapolis that I've experienced), no one has ever gotten lost in a snow drift in my suburban neighborhood.  I haven't seen any mountain lions, sharks, or alligators.  I guess I'll go to Cali with it's imploding state government, latino gangs, frequent earthquakes, and brush fires.  

But you know where I will NEVER go?

The northern territory of Australia.  

You know why I'll never go there?

Vicious, giant, saltwater crocs.  

Oh that's right.  I'm afraid.  Ever since Nick convinced me to watch "When Animals Attack" and I watched a vivid reenactment of an American being eaten (Her name was Ginger-sad face) by a fierce Australian Crocodile I am scared.  I've always been scared of water born predators, but this was a doozy.  True she went swimming in a place called "Crocodile Lake".  Yes, that's true.  True she tried to out swim said crocodile... I just don't even want to risk it.  

I decided to learn a little more about this threat lurking on the muddy bottom of the sea-by doing a "google search".  Did you know crocs can jump half their body length out of the water? Did I mention that most saltwater crocodiles can be upwards of 16 FEET LONG?  That means he could peel you off of that tree limb you're clinging to!  (I read that from a real reptilian expert)  Did you know the American Alligator has eaten 25 people in 50 years?  The Nile crocodile kills 300 EACH YEAR!  (I got that stat off of it is most likely false)

Would you like to know the only thing scarier than an Australian saltwater crocodile?  

An Australian saltwater crocodile that is a zombie!

Love, Kaley
Be safe out there.  I wish Australia the best of luck w/ their crocodile plague


Filia Dei said...

you are so funny.

Anonymous said...

Dear Kaley,
You are funny!