Monday, October 13, 2008

If your gonna spew, spew into this

Well, today was a little tough. I woke up feeling nauseous, but being a school teacher I thought I could tough it out right? Nope. I had to go home early, which is really good because as soon as I got home I "lost my lunch" as some may say. The whole day I was imagining scenarios "If I do blow chunks, what will the children do?" One Student graciously gave me the advice "When my tummy hurts my mom says to drink Sprite!!" and then warned the class "Beeeeeeee QUIET! Her tummy hurts!" while my bilingual student calls out "What's a tummy?"
And I would like to thank the education profession for those three months off, but I still feel craptastic and I'm thinking "I can't write sub plans, I don't know what I copied for tomorrow", but I am feeling barfy again. Which is really unfortunate. :( I don't know what to do. And I don't want to waste my days in case I want to take them when Nick comes home, but I also don't want to risk barfing on eight year olds tomorrow.
The life of a teacher, Jealous?
Love, Kaley, Kitty and her barf bucket


Anonymous said...

HI Kaley, Mike here,,,Dont have your number. Trying to get in touch with Nick. Please email me

L said...

Kaley, I hope you feel better soon. If you would like, I can call and sing you a relaxing sonnet and make you grilled cheese (with real cheese) and tomato soup (with real milk) to help you feel better.

On second thought, maybe that's a bad idea.

love, me.