Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Why having skin cancer is not fun sometimes.

I have recently been driven to think on my cancerous situation. Though I only had basal cell carcinoma... which is currently all gone... I am at risk of developing a worse skin cancer possibly b/c I am as pale as death and it runs in the family.

I have had three people comment that my two inch scar on my neck looks like a hickey. In fact, the school janitor approached me and grabbed me by the arm to say: "If that man is hungry, give him something to eat" To which I'm thinking... How does she know Nick is hungry? Maybe she knows I'm not a good cook and she is encouraging me to learn...

How mistaken I was. She meant I had a hickey on my neck... Yes, maybe if he had a fang!!!! (Right TP?) So, my scar looks like an inappropriate expression of affection, but I guess in a week and a half I'll be married and be allowed to have hickeys?

Also, everyone is getting really tan. My mom, Nick, everyone that populates the planet earth. AND tanning. So when I went kayaking with Tara, Ben, and Nick I had to lather on the spray spf lotion... which is sticky but convienient. (BTW, I currently have spf on my person at any given time b/c of my current predictament) I showed the guidance counseler at school my slight tan line...despite my spf... and she actually said "Wow, I thought you had no pigment, but it turns out you actually have some color!" :(

So I'm just saying, I can't tan because I might die. And you might die too from the UVB and UVA... but nobody really cares to put spf on b/c it "won't" happen to them. But it might! And it kind of hurts my feelings when people say it won't happen to them.

Think about it folks. Wear your SPF... avoid a two inch scar....

Love, Kaley

PS I think it's time to invest in one of these tees


tp said...

i laugh at this because you are funny. but then i feel bad, because it is after all extremely sad and unfortunate... pale IS the new tan though. seriously.

Leesh said...

I feel your pain of paleness! I sadly never get tan, only polka-dotted (aka freckled). I think I need one of those shirts too.