Thursday, September 16, 2010


So, I hit a bus.

Now I get to drive a Dodge Charger.  It's like being in a bullet.  I'm pretty jazzed because I thought surely USAA would stick me with a Kia Spectra or Chevy Aveo.  I got winked at by a latino man even.  That would never happen in my granny Rav 4.

Feelin' cool in the Charger.  I may or may not have let Molls ride in the rental car...

That being said... I miss the Rav.  I really do.


Katie Durski said...

hahah nice. Um..are those wooden boards on the house behind you?

Mumsie said...

You need to let Molly ride in the rental car (if you haven't already). That's what rental cars are for!