Sunset Cliffs |
Something about the Pacific Ocean screams out "I am Mighty" and you can feel God's power and his person coursing through the waves. Majesty and beauty and might.
Coronado Beach. |
Then when I see the mid atlantic coastal ways I see peace and comfort from the Almighty.
Newport, RI. |
Annapolis, MD |
Edgewater, MD |
In Mississippi I see a whole lotta bugs. Is this supposed to remind me of Egypt and the plagues? I want God to cry out to me when I look at environment around me. Most days when I'm out walking or driving I'm thinking on this.
New Orleans, LA |
What does Mississippi reveal about God's character? Abundance is one trait that comes to mind. Things sure do grow here, though not necessarily the plants you would expect. There aren't very many cultivated gardens, it seems here people are trying to beat back the wild. There is beauty in the Gulf and some in the swamp. Maybe my heart is hard. What's going on with me that I can't see the beauty in where I am? Why this desire to be somewhere else? I want to be present. To really embrace the life here.
The real problem here is that I'm tired of being an outsider. Not only am I moving, but I'm completely changing cultures. The Southern way of life, of being, is foreign to me. I'm not very polite. I'm generally late and under dressed. I certainly don't say sir or ma'am. What I'm seeking is a feeling of comfort and belonging. I belong in Annapolis, I'm from there! I'm comfortable in San Diego- I loved it there. Here I am uncomfortable. Everything is done differently and yet you are expected to fit in. To adapt and assimilate. Can I go another 18 years assimilating into every city, town, and state I find myself in? Where is the balance?
The prayer of my heart is that I will be able to seek out God's will for me in each place he sends me. That I will be present and not try to figure out why he sent me. I need to trust that he did send me for his purpose.
I know He did send you here for a purpose. :) i love that you don't "fit" in exactly. you add variety and unexpectedness to those of us you are getting to know and Lord knows we need that sometimes! i understand somewhat of what you must be feeling. . . though not completely i'm sure. btw, i've never seen you under dressed! :) however long ya'll are here i am glad our paths crossed. :)
I love that God is taking you to so many different parts of the country. I wish you were still here in Annapolis and I pray that He will bring you back here one day (or at least close, like Norfolk). You will have at least one awesome memory from Mississippi - Owen was born there! Hang in there. God doesn't do anything by happenstance - He did send you there for a purpose. Love, Mumsie
i love you. thanks for sharing your heart in this way, it was beautiful.
and to lighten your day a bit, I thought I would share the words I had to write to prove I'm not a robot: Gandin & Ropeople.
You fit in with me! And I know God brought you here so that we could be friends. So there, you can quit wondering ;)
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