Thursday, September 8, 2011

twinkie cat.

I've been lying to you.  Lying by omission.  Lying about Twinkie Cat.

Nick and I got a cat when I was 38 weeks pregnant.  I could fill you in on the details.  Boredom.  No mall.  SPCA visit.  Peer Pressure.  Guinness World Record holders.  5 dollars.  Twinkie Cat.  More like Twinkie Kitten.
I was going to name her Professor Minerva McGonnagal, but it didn't roll off the tongue when she was biting me and I had to yell at her.
I didn't tell you because I felt terribly irresponsible.  She hasn't managed to suck the baby's breath yet- so we're good.  Molly has lost weight, which is excellent because Molly Weasley was 15 lbs overweight.  Most of the time I love Twinkie.  Sometimes I don't, like when she is chewing on the laptop cord and I am breast feeding.  Or when she learned how to unroll the toilet paper in the bathroom.

So now you know.  My dirty little secret.  It's a kitten.  A kitten named Twinkie.

1 comment:

Katie Durski said...

haha. i love your blog. and I think your baby is cute. :) come out of the swamp and visit MD. :)