Sunday, April 18, 2010

aunty m.

Everyone has a cool aunt growing up. Mine was Marty. Not "Aunt Marty", she's too cool for that. Marty was cool because she was young and had this boyfriend named Gilbert who had a goatee. They had a jeep and took me to the zoo. Then they got married and let me and my brother sleep over. Marshall played video games. I baked cookies with Marty. Like I said, cool.

She gives the best gifts. I have this box she made me with paper flowers. It's one of my favorite things. She even gave me a metal statue of Dumbledore which I also love.

She's a crafter. She made beautiful basket liners and tablecloths for my wedding.

Old School!

When new Harry Potter books or movies come out I call Marty and we have deep, philosophical conversations about them. She told me to read Narnia. In fact she gives me all sorts of novel recommendations.

My cool aunt even makes her kids write me letters so that when I'm all alone in California, I get some mail to open.

So, here's to you Aunty M!


Elise Goad said...

i thought of you with the cat post since you always have molly miss having a cat don't you?

Filia Dei said...

I can't even find words to say how touched I am that you would dedicate an entire blog post to me.

You like me, you really like me!

I love you too!