Sunday, September 13, 2009

Cookie Baking.

There are many things that I am. I am adept at reading. I am a good teacher (methinks). I can shop with the best of them.
But then there are many things that I am not. Like: graceful, competitive, athletic... and domestic. Listen. I can not cook! I can press buttons on a microwave. I can even heat up frozen food in the oven, but cooking? No.
So when women get together and decide to potluck I panic. Recipe retreats and cookie bake offs are the stuff of nightmares. People, I have burned grilled cheese- more than once! So tomorrow for bible study we were all supposed to bake cookies. I made cookies from a bag which is saying rather a lot because I was about to buy a package of chips ahoy. I did add some flair and put some craisins in them... Semi homemade maybe? However, as always my cookies were spongy. No one will like them. I can envision it now... People politely putting one on their plate where it rattles around like the rock hard substance that it is. Maybe someone takes a bite or even requests milk to help wash it down. Possibly we could feed them to the deer, rabbits, and squirrels on the camp property after bible study is over!
So I can't bake. At least I can vacuum!


Anonymous said...

All those years, all those lessons, and you can't make cookies? Every time you came over I was thinking what the heck am i going to do with her so she doesn't think i'm the most boring aunt ever so WE baked cookies and you can't bake cookies?

tp said...

SHUT UP! You made cookies for tonight! :) I am so excited :)

remember when we used to make meals together in college? it usually included that frozen Perdue chicken strips, some pasta, and some canned sauce. Man, we're good.

Mom said...

I'm very proud of you. They actually looked good. I'm kinda hoping that you bring some cookies home to share with your roommate (even though I don't need them). PS-Quit saying you can't cook - it makes me look like a terrible mother.

Anonymous said...

I ate a whole one.

