Sunday, August 16, 2009


Sometimes it is hard to look like you are 15 years old. Here are some reasons.

  • People think your husband is a child molester.
  • Strangers think your coworker is your babysitter.
  • Funny looks as you travel on airplanes alone... without an unaccompanied minor sign "What's that little girl doing without her mother?!"
  • Having to show two valid ID's to prove you can have that raspberry vodka lemonade.
  • Maybe not wanting to call your mom in public. (I love you mom!)
You might think I'm exaggerating, but all of these things have happened to me.

My Grandpa?!

My Babysitter?!

Next Muse:
I want to live in this little town house in Point Loma. I'm a little on the fence about it- but there is a cupboard under the stairs. (Don't get the Potter reference TP?) I'm thinking about putting up a little sign there. Maybe something that includes "Little Whinging" and "Surrey". Somehow I think my husband will veto that.

Final Musing:
I'm allergic to something in California. I know, the irony is killing me as well. Maryland is basically plagued with pollen and I prosper here. California- the land of weeds and desert brush? Done in! So here are the things I may be allergic to(according to my research on
  • Daffodil-not likely
  • Quack Grass- uhm, not that.
  • Quacking Aspen- Maybe. It doesn't grow in the southeast. Is MD southeast?
  • Queen Palm- This is it! This is my allergy! It grows in SoCal, Florida, and the tropics!

So I'm allergic to Palm trees. Pardon my jumping to conclusions but my throat is sore and my eye has turned RED. So red in fact that I'm sure the pothead next to me on the plane thought me a fellow toker. (Uhm, if any of my references are "whack" excuse my ignorance or naivete)

Proof of my allergies. Nick told me to get eye drops. Since this is day three with inflamed palm tree eye I might just give in and treat it. We will see.

Love, Kaley

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