Sunday, July 26, 2009

Grab some Popcorn!

The summer time is a time for movies. I am very outspoken on my love or hate of a movie. Nick, not so much. I decided to compile a list of our favorite and least favorite movies.

Nick's Least Favorites (I tried to get a top 5, but he stubbornly gave me only 4)
  1. Grease- Nick hates this movie with a passion.
  2. Moulin Rouge- I'm thinking Nick hates this movie for the same reasons as the first.
  3. What Happens in Vegas- He couldn't even bring himself to finish watching it... I bought it on clearance at blockbuster.
  4. Mothman Prophecies- we saw this on our first date.

Kaley's Least Favorites
  1. Requiem for a Dream- I wish Vargas had never made me watch this. I hate this movie. It made me cry tears of desperation.
  2. The Ring- scariest movie ever.
  3. A Mighty Wind- I don't get the humor, I never will. It was a waste of my life.
  4. Revolutionary Road- I may hate this less with distance, but probably not.
  5. Anything Tom Cruise is in- this is a blanket ban. I sometimes do this to movie stars.

Nick's Favorites- once again there are only 4
  1. Wall E- Never have I seen the man take to a movie like this one.
  2. Top Gun- Duh. Apparently my blanket ban doesn't apply to Nick.
  3. Pirate's of the Caribbean- I remember Nick being psyched about his coming out. Funny.
  4. Dude, Where's my Car?- I didn't know this until he told me. Little surprises like this are what keep a marriage interesting.

Kaley's Favorites- Probably won't surprise n-e-one
  1. Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix- Easily the best movie in the franchise
  2. Return to Me- Heart wrenching Glory. Jim Belushi is awesome.
  3. Mean Girls- I will quote this... to death.
  4. Meet the Robinson's- Okay, here is a worthwhile story of adoption!
  5. Fellowship of the Ring- This first one is the best one.
This list has only cemented to me what I have wondered before- that Nick is infinitely LESS dorky than myself.

Love, Kaley


Anonymous said...

I'm with Nick on Moulin Rouge - horrible movie, although I thought the music was incredible. I could barely finish What Happens in Vegas either - Ashton Kutcher and Cameron Diaz are both profoundly poor actors; that movie couldn't have sucked more.

I loved The Ring BECAUSE it's the scariest movie ever! Day-mares of the girl crawling out the TV haunted me for weeks after seeing it.

I'm with you on Tom Cruise too; he's almost as bad as Matthew McConaughey.

Filia Dei said...

You are too young to appreciate Tom Cruise for the heart throb he was. You never knew him before his handlers lost control of him. Top Gun was a great movie in its time. I do not think your movie choices automatically throw you into the category of nerd. Star Treck isn't on the list!?! Nick's movie choices don't make him inherently more cool than you either. You are a good wife to say it though. That's a good thing to do, top 5 movies of all time. Hmmmm.

tp said...

ben REALLY hates grease too. interesting.
drew- matthew mcconaughey is the bomb.
i am a bad judge of movies.
also, i can not sleep.