Monday, July 20, 2009

The Deep South

This weekend I went to Pascagoula, MS to visit my dear husband. The following is a tale of how a yankee entered the Deep South, and lived to tell the tale.

I first realized I was in the South when I came out of the Memphis airport and smelled... barbeque. That's right, Memphis smells of bbq sauce. Then came Mobile, AL. I was greeted by a loving husband and oppressive humidity. First on my list was to go see Harry Potter, but that is something I can dedicate another blog to. I felt clarity for the first time that as a Marylander I am not from the South. I guess I felt since we played both sides in the civil war I could kind of claim to be from the South. Well, there is no doubt in my mind- Annapolis, MD might as well be Maine compared to the Deep, Deep South. So here are some observations I made about the south:

  • There is no roadkill... is that because they pick it up to take it home and cook it? I don't know.
  • People dress up as if they are going to a wedding to go to a bar in Ocean Springs, MS. There are three bars there.
  • Everyone in the South knows a choreographed dance to "Cotton Eye Joe" that made me feel like I was in High School Musical.
  • New Orleans literally smells like a sewer.
  • Nick knows all the words to "Sweet Home Alabama" which may or may not be played 10 times a day on the classic rock station.
  • Sweating is inevitable.
  • There are A LOT of alligators in the swamp there, but the alligator man told me only 4 people had died since the 40's. Bonus.
  • Alligators eat marshmallows.
  • Good malls do not exist for hours around Pascagoula. What do people do? I couldn't tell you.
  • You WILL stick out with your yankee accent.
  • I had red beans and rice at a restaurant called the Blow Fly Inn which was featured on Diners, drive ins, and dives... at least that what the barman told us.
  • Mississippi is the most obese state in the nation-because of this:

Some bonus information about the Navy. I met some guys who have some wives. I got out of them that some of their interests include Harry Potter, Scrapbooking, and dancing. I think I will be okay. Please behold a journey through pictures that is my trip through the south. If you are my FB friend you have already seen these, but a little extra never hurts.

I want to say something obnoxiously patriotic like "These colors don't run" but I just like having pictures like this of Nick.
This was on the USS Alabama where we took our picture in the "Brig" or for you landlubbers- the jail for the bad apples.
Still on the 'bama. I'm with the guns.

Mardi Gras beads are still ingrained into every surface in New Orleans. The cracks in the sidewalk, the power lines. Oh- and you can drink in public and see girls dressed in their skivvies walking around.

Now, excuse my french for posting this inappropriately worded sign on Bourbon Street... but this is about as TAME as it gets in the 'Orleans. You should have seen some of the other signs.

The French Quarter was nicer, but still smelly.

I faced a fear and went to see the gators. I'm not kidding you I thought the gator was going to jump out of the boat and EAT Nick. I was scared. The side of the swamp boat is about five inches about the water, and this guy was right next to Nick.

This is an Alligator.

All in all an enlightening trip. Please forgive me if I offended you and you are from the south. It was just a little bit more of a culture shock than I had first anticipated.

Love, Kaley


Unknown said...

Ahh, welcome to my life. South Cackalacky is quite a bit different from AL and LA, but it's NO north either. I stick out like a sore thumb. Welcome to Bizarro World :)

tp said...

okay. seriously. it's like you killed a small animal and threw it's pieces on a plate and then ripped the flesh from its bones. oh wait- that is exactly what you did...