Sunday, January 11, 2009

On Infectious Disease.

There is a downside to being a teacher surrounded by children AKA viral incubators, who in turn has a thing against washing her hands overly much.  This downside is contracting several contagious diseases within three weeks.  
FIRST, the nastiest stomach flu I have ever had.  We're talking toilet-hugging, blood vessel popping, "Someone just put me out of my misery" stomach flu.  Yeah.  I remember puking in a bucket as a child.  I hope my child has an iron clad gag reflex, cuz I'm making up a bed on the bathroom floor.  Cleaning up puke in a bucket sounds like a job I don't want to have.  (However thick my sarcasm may be please believe I would clean up my child's puke in a bucket because of the deep love I have developed for them as they rode around in my womb for nine months).  
SECOND, strep throat.  Yeah, I haven't had a temperature in about... Seven years.  I mean, strep?  Don't children get strep?  Ohhhh yeah, I forgot that being healthy went out the window when I said "I want to be an Educator!" (Please note Educator could be construed as a proper noun, but I just capitalized it for emphasis as I can do whatever I want on my blog, BUT would not randomly capitalize something on my chalkboard as not to confuse children)
Basically my throat swelled shut and I had to take horse sized antibiotics.  AND I snored very loud because of the aforementioned swelling and kept my husband up for two nights straight (Love you honey!).  
So really, I'm just saying, I should wash my hands more, take airborne, and basically some Flintstones vitamin's.  
LOVE, Kaley

1 comment:

L said...

You haven't posted in a few days. I hope strep hasn't killed you. I would miss you.