Wednesday, October 1, 2008

"I love technology, but not as much as you and me. Always and forever..."

Yesterday as I was driving home from my parents house I saw a little white mouse run across the road. Miraculously he made it! Then I thought- this should be a children's book! Come on a book about a little white mouse that gets lost from his family and goes on adventures... and then I remembered... I think that was the plot of Ralph S. Mouse (The Mouse and the Motorcycle) and also Stuart Little. Turns out I'm not as creative as I think.
I made a Digiorno pizza today and it really didn't taste like delivery. Anyone fooled by that pizza is a fool.

Today I had a good teacher day. I got to play with the Smart Board. For those of you who are not familiar with said board it lets you draw and move computer pictures on it just as Tom Cruise does in the futuristic thriller "Minority Report". The reason I chose this photo from google images is because I like how the children are behaving and also I used the word Echinoderm on this very blog about three to four blogs ago. Smart board is the bomb. Anything is more fun with it. I can write in rainbow colors, highlight, import images, and basically it makes teaching more fun. Seriously, this is a behavior management WONDER. I could hear them whispering behind my back "It writes in red, green, black, AND blue!"
"I want her to use the rainbow pen!" "She can move things with her hands!"
Ironically friends, because the county I work for is a technological hypocrite, as I was playing with my Smart board the tech lady came in to pronounce my computer DEAD and left with no further explanation. I'm going to peace out and eat a HUGE bowl of ice cream. I will eat away my loneliness and nothing says friend like a bowl of chocolate ice cream!
Love Kaley and Kitty (Who will lick the bowl when I'm done and actually have a positive outlet for her obsession)

PS Can't wait to see the top three of Project Runway tonight!

1 comment:

Steven. Mr L. Lammy. said...

Dear Kaley,
Oh how I can relate. Last year, I planned a whole small group day using the laptops, and then none of the programs would run on them. It was awesome. Go you for trying! Enjoy tomorrow just because it' s Friday! :)