Wednesday, August 27, 2008

School Year: Day 3

Where did the summer go? How could one TV show (Hannah Montana) pump out this much merchandise? Do you really need that H.M. folder, shoes, shirt, jacket, headband, backpack, notebook, pencil, pen, and sticker? When are we (the teachers) going to stop wearing our nice outfits and throw together what isn't in desperate need of dry cleaning?
Things such as these are filling my mind as my euphoric summer state was ripped from underneath me by the trials and tribulations of being a public school teacher. I'm not complaining, but the change is almost shocking to go from 0 responsibility to ... more than that.
I think my class is good, I'm hoping upon hope. But this is only the first week. Give them time. However, by this time last year I knew I was in for a ride (turning clothes around backwards, picking off toenails, etc, etc) Here is a quote from a student today:
"Mrs., I have a confession to make. See that girl over there? I am attracted to her."
I teach third grade. This child speaks like a robot, sooooo that makes it funnier. I had a vomiter on the first day of school. He has not vomited since. If only I was witty enough to get paid for an light hearted educational driven anonymous blog. One can dream.
By the way, being employed in a profession where you are called by your last name, and changing said name to a challenging to pronounce last name... Well, I never knew how many different pronunciations my new monicker would get me. The poor children- Pahtrayah, Pat-reeyah, and various combinations thereof. None of the staff knows either. Sometimes even I can't remember. Yesterday I got a letter in my school mailbox addressed to Caity Miller. I'm like "I'm Miss Miller"...not Caity though! It was sad to lose it, but better to gain a new one.
Today I planned and looked at my files and saw what a hot mess I was last year at this time. It's good to know one can grow. But I do wish I had kept better files from last year, but Heck who am I kidding, it's miraculous I kept them at all. I go to sleep with words like white out tape, Smart Board, Open Court, Cuisenaire Rods, and vomit going through my head. I wonder if I should have told that little boy that pythons eat children.
Oh for the summer days when I just worried about when to get up. I think I have a hangover. A summer vacation hangover.
I'll try to document the EXTREME amount of Disney merchandise in my classroom each day. Miley Cyrus has got to be a billionaire.
Love, Kaley and Nick

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