Thursday, December 9, 2010

epic flake.

Recently I have been suffering from a case of extreme flakiness.  It started when I put my travel mug in the microwave.  I heard explosions.  I saw an electrical arc.  I noted that my mug was aflame.  Turns out that mug was aluminum.  Oh yeah... I guess that's why I had never put it in the microwave before.
Several lost papers and scrambled dates later I was starting a regular day.  I was in a little bit of a hurry in the morning.  I threw my lunch in my purse, got the keys, put on my shoes, and walked out of the door.  With two different shoes on.  Luckily I noticed before pulling out of the driveway.  I have also lost the house key, run into poles, garbled names, used wrong pronouns, and put my sweater on inside out.

give we some coffee.  i mean me.  
Maybe it's time for some gingko.


Katie Durski said...

one time I put a tinkerbell coffee mug in the microwave and it started sparking! It's NOT aluminum as far as I knew so I thought it was magical.

Upon taking it out I realized that, in fact, there were strands of aluminum on the mug that made up a picture of tink.

I still say magic...

Filia Dei said...

That is so epic. Is the microwave okay?