Thursday, October 14, 2010

chalkboard paint.

I don't know when my obsession with chalkboard paint started.  Perhaps it is because I teach.  Perhaps it is because I am bored.  Point being, after reading an article in Martha Stewart Living I decided the time was ripe for me to test my hand.

I bought a jam jar and a frame to paint.  The jam jar turned out looking like I had put a piece of duct tape on it.  This is because they were out of black paint and I had to choose "moonstone" otherwise known as "duct tape color."  When I finished these two crafts I noticed I had enough paint left over to paint Noah's ark... so Nick and I painted the middle of our desk.

I read a tip online to use chalkboard markers.  I haven't bought them yet, but I'm excited to use them when I do get them.  Check out my results with blue collar chalk.

You have to scribble it with chalk then wipe it down with a sponge to prime it... I didn't wipe it down enough I'm seeing from this picture...
Love,  Kaley


L said...

I GOT THE HP DATE WRONG! I thought it was the 17th! This is disaster of epic proportions.

tp said...

how fun :) I like it.
Hey, so are you getting glasses Nov. 19th?

Filia Dei said...

I like the chalkboard paint.

Your background on your desktop may be contributing to your homesickness.