Monday, August 30, 2010


It's bloody.  It's morally depraved.  It's... the best book I've ever read!!!

If you are looking for a guilty pleasure- look no further.  Loosely based on a futuristic Rome this gory killfest/love triangle is AH- mazing.  I read it in one sitting.  I was a little nervous while reading, but a twist at the end sealed the deal.  I'm not going to spoil anything.  So I'll stop commentating.

Go.  Go now.  Go buy this book.  Well, not this one.  Go get Hunger Games, then Catching Fire, then get this book.

Love, Kaley  (Dangerous, book reading recluse with no human friends)

1 comment:

Katie Durski said...

OoO that sounds interesting. I will def have to get it!

you should read the historian...there's love and's cool, lol..but it's not like twilight..don't worry..this is's like the hunt for dracula's tomb + a love story not involving dracula